The Deep well of sorrows

The deep well of sorrows

William Shakespeare said: “When sorrows come, they come not single spies. But in battalions!”. Ruptured relations, a broken family, the dear ones who left us alone, the continuing dissatisfaction in life, life’s meaninglessness and lack of purpose. These sorrows are more than enough to form a deep well, one that tries to drown us to its depths.

Often the only route we find to escape this pain and to overcome this deep well of sorrows is the sweet hallucination of drugs and alcohol, the pleasure of illicit indulgences and the mad chase after more fun and entertainment.

The false remedy

But very often instead of being the rock that helps us to stay afloat these become the huge boulders tied to our shoulders that cause us to sink deep down into the well of sorrows, which most people call as ‘Depression’.

The reasons for this can be different in the life of each person. But according to the reports from WHO, Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and a significant contributor to the overall global burden of diseases. At its worst depression can result in suicides, and facts speak that nearly 800,000 people die every year due to suicides.

The truth is we can’t get out of this deep well until someone helps us. And all of us needs help, for we all have our own wells of sorrows.

Who can help ?

But who can help us?? To a great extent, it is our fellow beings, our friends and dear ones who can help us out of this vortex. But even they can’t help us if we have lost hope.

But how can we get hope? Who can give us hope? When I had almost lost my footing and started sinking through the deep well, I met this Hope giver. His name was Jesus.

Just when the guilt of my mistakes and wrongdoings robbed the hope and joy in my life, I saw the great love and sacrifice that took the punishment for my sins, and it’s guilt upon Him.

When I thought the sorrows would overwhelm and weigh me down, I found in Jesus, my best friend and God who listens to my pains and delivers me out of those.

When I thought my life was messy and beyond recovery, Jesus was there to pick me up from the mess and give me a brand new start.

He helped me! Gave his hand and lifted me out of the deep well of sorrows. He can help you also to overcome depression and to come out of the deep well of sorrows.

His hand is holding out for you… Are you ready to trust him and grab his hand?