How to live the abundant life in Jesus Christ

Abundant life in Christ

Everyone wants to live an abundant life. Many people try to get this by buying a lot of things or being very successful. But even people with lots of money and success often don’t feel very happy or peaceful inside. Chasing after money and success may leave you feeling empty. This makes you wonder – is there a way to really feel abundant that is about more than just money and accomplishments?
The teachings of Christ Jesus in the Bible emphasize the importance of seeking first the kingdom of God and living a life of faith, hope, and love. It is through this relationship with God that believers can truly experience abundance in all areas of their lives, including their relationships, careers, and personal well-being. This article will explore the principles and promises of abundant life in Christ and how it can apply to daily living.

The Robbery and Murders that Shook the Locality

A few months back, we heard about a spine-chilling robbery that took place in India. Though we didn’t know the family personally, our hearts went to them when we heard the details. A night that seemed just like any other ended with a full house robbery that proceeded to the murders of an elderly couple. The calm locality was shaken and sadly the police could not make any leads which left the family members broken.

That is when a verse from the Bible came to my mind; here Jesus says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Jesus gives us abundant life

The motive of any thief or robber is selfishness. They come only to steal, to kill, and to destroy. The receiver finds no benefit. But in this same verse, I would like to introduce you to another special person. He is not like a thief. He is not here to take from you, but to give you. His name is Jesus. And what does He offer? Life- an abundant life for us to live. Today, we live in a world that is filled with people of selfish motives. You take any commercial business or any offer that you come across, nobody will sell you anything without profit or another hidden agenda. It is always a give-and-take policy that most people follow. But Jesus is different and His giving is in abundance. 

What Abundant Life in Jesus is Not

Now, before I tell you more about what an abundant life in Jesus Christ is, let me tell you what it is not. The moment you hear abundance, you may think of surplus benefits. Well, it is not a life of prosperity or a life free of problems or a very long life on this earth. Here, life of abundance is not materialistic or a promise of a carefree life. This abundant life is something you can enjoy more spiritually. A life that is much beyond your life on this earth. Many a time we live our lives too narrow in this world. We are running behind the things of this world, which steal our time, energy, health, and much more than what we can see. And often by the time we realize it, it is too late.

The Meaning and Promise of Abundant Life in Jesus

So, then, what is the meaning of abundant life in Jesus’ words? Well, this is a promise that you can have. This is a life with a meaning and a purpose for you. Do you know that we are created in the very image of God? And this God sculpted each of us individually for a perfect plan. But what are we doing? We are running after one goal after another, only to realize the satisfaction we get is short-lived. Here Jesus, the Son of God, is assuring you of a full life. Bible says, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man. The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9) You see a life nothing like you have imagined. A famous Christian theologian once said, “The abundant life is above all the contented life, in which our contentment is based upon the fact that God is equal to every emergency and can supply all our needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus.” 

Yes, this feeling of contentment and the assurance of the future is something that you are gifted in this abundant life. The feeling of yearning inside you can be quenched when you meet this Savior. You need not have to worry about your material needs, but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33) Our focus should be on knowing this God; He takes care of all our needs. And this life is not just spiritual, it is eternal, too. When you accept Jesus as your personal Savior, you receive an abundant life that is not time-bound. This relationship is eternal.

Do you live an abundant life?

There is a comparison that I recently read about, that I would like to share with you to better understand what is this abundant life that I am talking about. Imagine you walk into a hospital ICU, and you see a man with several tubes and wires connected to him. He is unconscious and you see no movement at all, then you ask “Doctor, is he dead?” The doctor would look at the monitor beside him and say, “No, he is alive.” Now, in contrast to this man, let’s look at a football player on the football ground. He is running around with full stamina and energy and you look at him and say he is full of life. Now that’s the actual difference between an ordinary man who receives abundant life in Christ. The man in the hospital and the man on the football ground are both alive, but one is living life better. Today you may be alive, but are you living this abundant life?

abundant life

How to accept the promise of abundant life Jesus provides

As I mentioned before, you live in a world where each day you are evaporated of all your energy and life. You are aimlessly moving towards a goal that is not there. But the promise of Jesus is real. God created man in His image, but man fell into sin and lost the privilege of being owned by God. Well, God did not stop there. He sent His only Son to this earth to save you and redeem you back to His side. Lord Jesus died on the cross to win you back as His own. Today, if you believe in this Lord Jesus and accept Him as your personal Savior, then this promise of living abundantly will be yours. 

No matter what your situation is, are you willing to partake in this promise of Jesus? Living a life, full of life – Having an abundant life in Jesus.