The life story of Sadhu Sundar Singh

Life story of Sadhu Sundar Singh

In our journey through life, we often come across individuals whose presence profoundly influences our inner selves. One such extraordinary individual is Sadhu Sundar Singh, an Indian Christian mystic and evangelist. Although his life ended long ago, his story continues to inspire millions because of the profound impact he had. This blog post will examine Sadhu Sundar Singh’s encounters, spiritual quest, and devotion that still inspire people today..

Early life and religious upbringing

Sadhu Sundar Singh was born on September 3, 1889, in the village of Rampur, near Ludhiana in Punjab, India. He grew up in a faithful Sikh family and was deeply rooted in his religious traditions. Singh’s mother had taken him to a Hindu ascetic called Sadhu for spiritual training from his early years, while he attended Ewing Christian High School to learn English. Unfortunately, his mother passed away when he was only 14, which led him into a period of violence and despair. He turned against Christianity and burned a Bible page by page while his friends watched. However, a few days later, he had a powerful vision of Jesus Christ that transformed him, and he devoted himself to becoming a Christian missionary. This decision enraged his father, who denounced him and expelled him from the family. Nonetheless, he continued his spiritual journey, traveling around India and beyond, spreading the message of Christianity in his unique way. Singh blended the Sikh and Christian traditions to connect with Indian communities, wearing a saffron turban and robe and reinventing himself as a sadhu. [1]

Conversion to Christian faith and rejection by family

Sundar Singh’s conversion to Christian faith was a momentous event in his life, and one that was met with significant opposition from his family and community. Raised a member of the Sikh religion, Sundar initially rejected the teachings of Christianity, despite attending a primary school where the New Testament was read daily. However, after his mother’s death, Sundar underwent a crisis of faith and prayed for God to reveal Himself.

Sundar had reached a breaking point; if God would not show him the genuine path to serenity, he had resolved to jump from the Ludhiana express.

He got out of bed at three in the morning and entered the courtyard under the moonlight to take the pre-worship ritual wash that pious Hindus and Sikhs follow. When he got back to his room, he kneeled down, bent his head to the floor, and begged God to show himself. But nothing took place.

He didn’t know whether he should expect a vision or a trance. Still, nothing had happened. And the time for the Ludhiana express was fast approaching.

When he raised his head and opened his eyes, it fairly took him aback to notice that there was a thin cloud of light in the space. For daybreak, it was too soon. He looked out into the courtyard after opening the door and there was darkness all around. When he turned around to face the room again, he saw that the lighting was becoming more intense. He was completely astounded to see the face of Lord Jesus Christ and not one of his ancient idols. It convinced him that Jesus was the true Savior.

Despite fierce opposition from his family to return to his ancestral faith, Sundar refused to budge from his faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized in 1905. This led to his father officially rejecting him, and his brother Rajender attempting to poison him. This rejection and persecution from his family and community caused Sundar to become an outcast, but it did not shake his resolve. As he said himself, “I am not worthy to follow in the steps of my Lord, but like Him, I want no home, no possessions. Like Him I will belong to the road, sharing the suffering of my people, eating with those who will give me shelter, and telling all people of the love of God.” Sundar’s unwavering faith and commitment to his new religion remains an inspiration to many. [2]

Missionary journey around India and beyond

Sadhu Sundar Singh embarked on numerous missionary journeys across India and beyond to spread the message of Jesus Christ. He traveled extensively in India and visited Tibet, Malaysia, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, Europe, the Middle East, and America. It is said that he had a gift for preaching and drew hundreds of people wherever he spoke. As a Christian Sadhu, he wore a yellow robe, lived on charity, and abandoned his possessions. He followed a celibate lifestyle and believed that this approach would help him introduce Jesus Christ to his people in India and the surrounding regions. Despite his growing fame, Sundar Singh remained modest and humble, desiring only to follow Jesus’ example and win his enemies by love. His health suffered due to excessive traveling, but he continued to write books during this time. As he journeyed on the rugged and snowy mountain paths towards Tibet in 1929, he disappeared. Nobody knows what happened to him, but he is remembered as the “Apostle with Bleeding Feet” because of his tireless efforts to share the love of Christ with people across the world. [3]

Mystical encounters and persecution for his faith

Sadhu Sundar Singh’s life as a Christian Sadhu was filled with mystical encounters and persecution for his faith. His spiritual visions and meetings with demons increased his faith and enabled him to effectively share Christianity with the people of India.. However, his beliefs were not always welcomed, and he faced persecution for his faith, including arrest and stoning. Despite this, he remained steadfast in his commitment to Christianity and continued on his mission to convert people to the religion. He once said,

“I want to inspire others to follow Christ by living my life as a Christian Sadhu, belonging to the road, sharing the suffering of my people, and telling all men of the love of God.”

Singh’s dedication to his faith and his willingness to endure persecution for it is a testament to his unwavering belief in the power of Christianity to transform the lives of individuals and communities. [4]

Universalist message and impact on spiritual leaders

Sadhu Sundar Singh’s universalist message was a central theme in his ministry, but it received little attention from the Christian missionary community. He believed that people of all faiths or backgrounds could attain salvation, and his writings were widely published to convey this message. He said, “So-called heathen and Sikhs will go to heaven as surely as a faithful Christian.” This message had a far-reaching impact on spiritual leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Johannes Tauler, who were profoundly influenced by his teachings. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The sadhus of India have taught me much, but Sundar Singh of India taught me more.” Similarly, Johannes Tauler, a German Christian mystic, was greatly inspired by Sundar Singh’s example of living and sharing the message of Christ in a culturally relevant way. Sundar Singh’s life and message prove that the lifestyle and message of Christ can integrate seamlessly into the lifestyle of any holy person. [5]

Reflection on Indian and Western faith

Sundar Singh’s life story offers a unique perspective on the intersection of Indian and Western faith. He was critical of the Westernization of the Indian church, claiming that it hindered the coming of Indians to Christian faith. Singh believed that Indians needed to be introduced to Christianity in a way that resonated with their cultural background. He said, “Indians are not attracted towards Western Christianity. For them, it is a foreign faith. They need a religion that reflects their culture and traditions.”

Singh’s travels to the West during the 1920s gave him the opportunity to compare the religious attitudes of Westerners with those of Indians and Asians. He found many Asians had a stronger faith than their Western counterparts did. Singh believed that the Western world had lost touch with the essence of Christianity, which was about love and selflessness.

Despite his criticism of the Westernization of the Indian church, Singh was also critical of the state of faith in India. He recognized many Indians were deeply religious, but felt that they needed to be introduced to the true message of Christianity. He believed Christianity had much to offer Indian society as it preached love, compassion, and service to others.

Integration of Christian message into the holy person’s lifestyle

Sundar was determined to convey the Christian message while continuing to wear the clothing and speak the terminology of the Sikhs. He became a holy man, or sadhu, devoted to spiritual practice, and propagated his message in an Indian way. Sundar’s life displayed how the lifestyle and message of Christianity can integrate seamlessly into the life of a holy person.

Sundar’s writings reveal his view of universalism, that people of all faiths and backgrounds could go to heaven. He stated, “So-called heathen and Sikhs will go to heaven as surely as a faithful Christian.” This inclusive message did not receive much attention from the Christian missionary community. However, Sundar’s impact went far and wide, influencing important spiritual leaders.

Reflecting on his way of life, one thought presents that if Jesus Christ could have sent his disciples to India during Jesus’ lifetime, they would have lived and worked as Sadhu Sundar Singh had. He showed by example how a holy person could live a simple life, sharing the suffering of his people and telling all men of the love of God. His legacy continues to inspire people around the world. [6]

Tragic disappearance in the foothills of the Himalayas

Sadhu Sundar Singh encountered hardships, adventures, and mystical experiences throughout his life. However, his life came to a tragic end in the foothills of the Himalayas. Although the Government of India declared him dead in 1933, many people believe that he still lives on and is waiting in the remote Himalayas..

The circumstances of his disappearance are still a mystery. It is believed that he had gone on one of his one-man missions to spread the gospel but never returned. Some say he was attacked by bandits, while others believe he simply succumbed to the harsh elements. His body was never found, and his whereabouts remain unknown.

In his last days, Sadhu Sundar Singh had expressed a desire to live like the sadhus in the Himalayas and forget the world in the word of God. He had always been a wanderer, a hermit, and a preacher, and it seems fitting that he would meet his end in the place where he had found solace and inspiration.

His legacy lives on, and his teachings continue to inspire people to this day. As he once said, “I want no home, no possessions. Like Him, I will belong to the road, sharing the suffering of my people, eating with those who will give me shelter, and telling all men of the love of God.” [7][8]

Legacy and continued influence in Christian community

Sad Sundar Singh’s legacy and influence continue to inspire and shape the Christian community worldwide. His dedication to spreading the faith in an Indian way, his selflessness, compassion, and willingness to suffer for the sake of Christ, have made him a revered figure in Christian history.

Spiritual Influence: Sadhu Sundar Singh was renowned for his deep spiritual insight and mystical experiences, which continue to inspire many Christians today. His writings, which include more than twenty books and numerous articles, are widely read and translated into many languages.

Interfaith Dialogue: Sadhu Sundar Singh sought to build bridges between different faiths and cultures. Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs respected him for his tolerance and understanding of their beliefs.

Evangelism: Sadhu Sundar Singh was a passionate evangelist for Christ, sharing the gospel wherever he went. His life and ministry continue to inspire and challenge Christians to spread the message of salvation to all people.

Humanitarian Work: Sadhu Sundar Singh was deeply concerned with the plight of the poor and marginalized. He established several charitable organizations to provide food, clothing, and medical care to those in need.

As C. S. Lewis recognized, Sadhu Sundar Singh’s life and teachings have had a profound impact on the Church and on individual Christians. His legacy continues to influence the way we think about faith, interfaith dialogue, evangelism, and humanitarian work. He remains a beloved figure, whose dedication to Christ and his fellow human beings continues to inspire us today. [9]

Books written by Sadhu Sundar Singh

Sadhu Sundar Singh, the remarkable Indian disciple of Jesus Christ, left behind a legacy through his books, which continues to inspire readers across the globe. In the book At the Master’s Feet, he shares his spiritual journey and teachings with his readers. He emphasizes the importance of prayer, meditation on scripture, and the pursuit of a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Another book, Wisdom of the Sadhu, is based on Sundar Singh’s conversations with his friend and missionary, Amy Carmichael. The book contains practical insights into the Christian life as well as guidance on how to become a true disciple of Jesus. His book, With and Without Christ, explores the reality of life with and without Christ and how it impacts one’s relationships and overall well-being.

In his book, Visits to the Most Holy (1897), Sundar Singh describes his spiritual travels and mystical experiences, including encounters with angels, visions of paradise, and his spiritual union with Christ. The book continues to inspire and fascinate readers with its vivid description of his spiritual journey.

Sundar Singh’s books offer valuable spiritual insights for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their faith. His message of simplicity, holiness, and sacrifice still resonates with readers today, making his books relevant and inspiring for all generations. As he once said, “Like Him [Jesus] I will belong to the road, sharing the suffering of my people, eating with those who will give me shelter, and telling all men of the love of God.” [10]